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What’s happening in Jammu

August 11, 2008

Jammu uprising

I feel distressed by the way in which the main stream media in India is covering the Jammu incidents. There seems to a deliberate callousness on the part of media. I suspect that the government has issued strong directives to media against publishing any news related to Jammu prominently fearing communal tensions throughout  India. One can understand the appeasement policies of the present Government, but the way the media has responded to the Jammu incidents is unpardonable. It is difficult to understand why media is towing the line of govt. being well aware of what really is happening in the region. Yasin Malik gets more coverage in media than the public outrage in Jammu since last 40 days. The people of Jammu have met injustice since long. This is the right opportunity for the main stream media to expose the grave injustice meted out to them.

What is strange here is that even the pro-hindu parties have been subdued in their responses to these incidents. May be these parties are mindful of the coming elections.

Fortunately, one can have glimpse of what is actually happening in Jammu through the blogosphere.

Read what is happening in Jammu through these blogs:

6 Comments leave one →
  1. August 11, 2008 1:38 pm

    This is what happens when politicians, instead of leaders, manage the country.

  2. prityjaiswal permalink
    August 12, 2008 1:06 pm

    Media in our country is concentrating more on TRPs and revenues from advertisement. Sadly, these issues which would define the very essence of media are nowhere visible in the mainstream.

  3. August 12, 2008 5:27 pm

    I am also getting this feeling. I think Government fears that it might become a mass movement across the country and the Hindu votes will get polarised. So it is a ploy by them to keep the the whole issue under wraps and not let BJP take political mileage out of it in the coming elections.

  4. sriniani permalink*
    August 13, 2008 4:51 am

    @Alex Thomas. You are right Alex. It appears the Congress government is more worried about the coming elections than the people of Jammu.

  5. August 19, 2008 10:02 am

    But i hail the Internet Media through which we jammuties let the world know about the events at Jammu,

    More than 2 lakh People got court arrested yesterday

  6. sriniani permalink*
    August 20, 2008 4:52 am

    @Ashu Raina. But the saddest part of it is that very few Indians have access to the Internet media. Kashmir always gets priority not only in national but also in international media. The ethnic cleansing that was done in 80s in Kasmir is never talked about in the international media despite the outrageousness of the tragedy.

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